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The First Presbyterian Church at Caldwell

326 Bloomfield Avenue

Caldwell, NJ 07006



July 19, 2020

Seventh Sunday after Pentecost


 "Matthew may have been clear that there are only two types of people - the wheat and the weeds - but it is a clarity that escapes most of us, we who have encountered both kinds in ourselves, and in our neighbors and in the world. Most of our fielder full of mice plantings, or worse. Sometimes I think that if I examined mine closely, I would not find wheat or weeds. They have grown together so long that a hybrid would be more likely, a mongrel seed that is neither one nor the other."            -- Rev. Barbara Brown Taylor

PRELUDE                                            Jacob’s Ladder”   arr. Robert Lau & Randolph Johnston





From the moment we open our eyes each morning, until we close them at night, God is with us. 

There is no one like you, our God! 

In times when we are surrounded with struggles, in all the surprising places we find hope, Jesus is with us. 

There is no one like you, our Brother! 

When we feel orphaned by the world, when we are welcomed into faith’s family, the Holy Spirit is with us. 

There is no one like you, Witnessing Spirit. 

God of Jacob, who rested his head on a stone pillow and saw visions of your angels, be with us this day. Give us a vision of your presence in the midst of our strife. Give us courage and confidence that you are with us, calling us to be your loving people in the world. For we ask these things in Jesus’ Name. AMEN.


SUMMER HYMN SING                  

        “His Eye Is on the Sparrow” (Hymn No. 661, St. 1 & 3)


Why should I feel discouraged?  Why should the shadows come,

Why should my heart be lonely and long for heaven and home,

when Jesus is my portion?  My constant friend is he:

his eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me;

                   his eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me. REFRAIN


                                      REFRAIN:  I sing because I’m happy, (I’m happy)

I sing because I’m free, (I’m free)

for his eye is on the sparrow,

and I know he watches me.



Whenever I am tempted, whenever clouds arise,

when song gives place to sighing, when hope within me dies,

I draw the closer to him; from care he sets me free:

his eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me;

                   his eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me. REFRAIN


“God of the Sparrow” (Hymn No. 22, St. 1 & 6)


God of the sparrow God of the whale

God of the swirling stars.

How does the creature say Awe

How does the creature say Praise.


God of the ages God near at hand

God of the loving heart.

How do your children say Joy

How do your children say Home.


“When in Our Music God Is Glorified” (Hymn No. 641, St. 1 & 5)


When in our music God is glorified,

and adoration leaves no room for pride:

it is as though the whole creation cried:



Let every instrument be tuned for praise!

Let all rejoice who have a voice to raise!

And may God give us faith to sing always:




Insolently, we turn against you, God of truth. When we follow those desires that control us; when we live for ourselves, shutting off the gifts of those around us; when we think we do not need to share love, hope, peace with others, we show how we have joined that league of hooligans who ignore your way of life. Yet, you have chose to adopt us as your children, God-who-stand-with-us, forgiving us and making us inheritors with Jesus of your grace and joy. So lead us by the Spirit, that we might follow Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, into creation which groans for love and healing. In Jesus’ name. Amen.



Friends, hear the Good News! All who are moved by 

the Spirit of God are children of God. 

We are heirs of God’s splendor with Jesus Christ. 

Friends, believe the Good News! 

In Jesus Christ, we are forgiven. 




HYMN N0. 750                         Goodness Is Stronger than Evil”         GOODNESS IS STRONGER


Goodness is stronger than evil; love is stronger than hate;

light is stronger than darkness; life is stronger than death.

Victory is ours; victory is ours through God who loves us.

Victory is ours; victory is ours through God who loves us.


CHILDREN’S MESSAGE                                                                    Susan Jones & Amy Kolb


SPECIAL MUSIC                                  Here I Am, Lord”                               arr. Lloyd Larson


OLD TESTAMENT LESSON                Genesis 28:10 – 22


NEW TESTAMENT LESSON         Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43


SERMON                               Jacob: The Future Can Be Different          Rev. William Schram


SPECIAL MUSIC                              Dawning of the Day”                                 arr. Zack Kline



Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.  Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.  For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever.  Amen.


CLOSING HYMN NO. 541, St. 1  God Be with You Till We Meet Again”               RANDOLPH


God be with you till we meet again;
Loving counsels guide, uphold you,
With a shepherd’s care enfold you:
God be with you till we meet again.




POSTLUDE                                        Toccata for a Joyful Day                       Emma Lou Diemer



Rev. William Schram

Rev. Barbara Piercy

Alexis Chiappetta, Soloist

Billy Slater, Viola Duet

Paul Salierno, Cantor

Ray Liptak & Rob Thiemann, Technical Assistance