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Weekly Newsletter
To stay up to date on church announcements, important dates and upcoming information for worship & programs, be sure to download our newsletter, First Press, which is published weekly.

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Ministries at FPC
The ministry opportunities at First Pres are nearly limitless and there’s something for everyone.

Become a Member of FPC
The First Presbyterian Church at Caldwell is here to help you know and follow Jesus Christ. Year-round, this community offers many opportunities for worship and spiritual growth, fellowship for all ages, meaningful service to others and personal healing.
Here at FPC, we welcome people of all ages, and backgrounds and invite them to join us as part of this great family of faith. Currently, new members are received twice a year, upon completion of our Inquirer’s class.
The Inquirer’s class is a time to meet with our pastor and some members of the congregation. This informal session will include an overview of what makes us Christians, Presbyterians, and ultimately members of this great congregation. Together, we explore the many opportunities that First Pres has to offer, as well as the spiritual gifts of those attending the class.
Our next Inquirer’s Class is TBA. For more information, please fill out the form below or contact the church office at or call (973) 228-0310.