FPC Nursery School
The First Presbyterian Church Nursery School was founded in 1963 and has had a longstanding tradition of excellence in preschool education. We are committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment that encourages exploration and creativity. We strive to find the talent and interests inside each child and provide exceptional teachers who inspire our students with the wonders around them. Each child is an individual with different needs and it is our goal to meet those needs and provide a stimulating environment.
Prospect Hill Cemetery
We cordially invite you to visit Prospect Hill, located 1/2 mile west of the church on Westville Avenue between Thomas Street and Prospect Street in Caldwell.
We are a “traditional” non-profit cemetery association, employing no sales staff, and offer full size burial plots, cremation plots, and cremorial plots. We offer a 20% discount on all lot purchases to members in good standing of The First Presbyterian Church at Caldwell.
Please direct any inquiries to David Hicock, Superintendent at 973-228-4410. The cemetery office is located in the church, one floor below the main office (on the Nursery School Level).