Our NEW study 40 Days Through the Book: Romans: In the Grip of Grace

Please join us on our journey through the book of Romans! This 6 session study helps us pursue our mission to KNOW Jesus, GROW in his love and GO where he leads – all covered in Paul’s letter to the church in Rome. Romans is different from all of Paul’s other letters because it covers the overarching story of the gospel. It unveils its transformational power for all people. The first half tells the Romans, and reminds us, of the core beliefs of the Christian faith. He then shifts the focus for the second half with one word, “Therefore”. Building on all that Romans 1 through 11 tell us about God and ourselves, we are then called to change our hearts and live differently. Paul transitions to the work of the Holy Spirit leading us into our new life in Christ. This is one powerful message for understanding the need for Christ’s message to live in us, AND for us to unite as Christ’s body of believers who carry this message into the world…”Shining God’s Light”

Each of Max’s videos and sessions delve into one of the following themes.
SESSION 1: The reality, danger, and power of sin (Romans 1-2)
SESSION 2: God’s grace is real, AMAZING, and available to all people. (Romans 3-5)
SESSION 3: God has broken our chains and set us free, BUT the battle with sin continues. (Romans 6-8)
SESSION 4: God’s beautiful story comes in 4 parts: creation, fall, redemption, restoration.(Romans 9-11)
SESSION 5: Christians follow in the steps of their Savior. (Romans 12-13)
SESSION 6: Followers of Jesus are like passengers on a ship. We are all on the same journey. (Romans 14-16)

STARTS Wednesday, September 20th ENDS November 29th
Sessions will meet every other Wednesday offering you adequate time to enjoy and prepare for each upcoming session.

In-person and ZOOM attendance offered for every session.
Church location to be announced at registration.
Register NOW at
Deadline is September 17th so that you have time to get a study guide and receive a video link.

Purchase study guide through Amazon for under $10.00.

DO NOT purchase the guide that costs more. That price includes video
access which you can already receive as an FPC member.

Have questions? EMAIL or call the office.