Dine & Donate

This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Proverbs 118:24 

What better way to rejoice a day that the Lord has made by NOT COOKING! And better yet? Contributing to a worthwhile cause! It is also a great opportunity to participate in “Giving Tuesday” which is nationally recognized on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. 

Every year, our Sunday School classes chose an organization to collect our offerings for. In the past, we have supported The Seeing Eye, Heifer International, Vitamin Angels, St. Jude Children’s Hospital and many others. It’s always fun to share with the kids what their weekly offering has grown into and who will be helped as a result. 

This year, we will be collecting to help support our Sunday School program here at First Pres, and we will collect for Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. “Dine and Donate” on Tuesday, November 29th at The Cloverleaf Tavern. Simply come in (or order take out) from The Cloverleaf Tavern between 11:00am and closing and mention this fundraiser. A portion of the proceeds of your meal receipt will be put aside to donate to this effort.  

Come for lunch, come back for Happy Hour and then have dinner! Calories don’t count when it’s for a good cause. Please contact the church office (973) 228-0310 if you have any questions. See you on the 29th at the Cloverleaf!