Facing Racism Task Force’s Discussion Series

We have one meeting left in the series, “Listening, Learning, And Moving Forward!” Please join us, even if you have never previously attended one of our discussion events. The Presbyterian Church USA’s website states: “Racism is the opposite of what God

intends for humanity. It is the rejection of the other, which is entirely contrary to the Word of God incarnate in Jesus Christ.” With that in mind, join First Presbyterian Church at Caldwell’s Facing Racism Task Force on Dec.11 as we, guided by the ministry of Jesus Christ, continue to try to unpack the topic of racism. We will discuss three short videos that we ask you to watch before the meeting. Several potential discussion questions will be provided but do not hesitate to add your own. We will meet via Zoom from 7:30- 8:45 pm. We know you are busy and will try to keep to the schedule! Here are the videos we will be discussing on Dec. 11:

— Don’t Lose Heart: Why It’s Worth It to Fight for Racial Harmony Even When We Don’t See Progress

-Fifth Avenue Courageous Conversations: Jamie’s Story https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbRUMk54oI0

-The Legacy of the Catawba Presbytery https://www.presbyofcharlotte.org/ministry-teams/anti-racism/

(Please scroll down to find the video “The Legacy of the Catawba Presbytery”)

Please RSVP for the Dec.11th meeting by the morning of Dec.11th to facingracismfirstpres@gmail.com. You will be sent the meeting’s agenda and Zoom link. Finally, we want to thank the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church’s Courageous Conversations curriculum for their list of resources which inspired much of this series!!