
The We Believe confirmation curriculum, Professing Our Faith, provides youth with a foundational understanding of the Reformed Presbyterian.

The scope and sequence echoes the emphases of the Study Catechism (Confirmation version) 1. It presents the biblical foundations and theology of the Apostle’s Creed, the Ten Commandments, and the Lord’s Prayer. Additionally, Professing Our Faith invites young people to explore the meaning of their baptism and their participation at the Lord’s Supper, as well as learn about church polity, stewardship, spiritual practices, worship and mission.

One of the strengths of Professing Our Faith is its usefulness to a variety of contexts. For example, the Teacher’s Book is designed with two different formats in view. The full-length format includes 35 sessions, including two for use at Christmas and Easter, and is designed for use during the school year.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Confirmation Class?

Confirmation is a learning opportunity and important step in one’s faith journey where a small group of students is exposed to some of the key teachings of the Christian Faith, the history of the universal church and our local church, the life and work of Jesus, and what it means to be a disciple of Jesus.

Why do we take Confirmation class?

Confirmation class helps young people explore their faith journey and articulate their faith in Christ Jesus.

Who is teaching the class?

The Director of Youth Ministry and other Lay Teachers will lead the class.

When and where will we meet?

The 2011-2012 class will meet from 9:00-10:00 a.m. on most Sunday mornings in Room 121.

Do I have to come to every class meeting?

Consistent attendance is expected of all Confirmands in the class. Because the class will run for 9 months, family schedules, sickness, and other issues may cause you to miss occasionally. You are asked to make Confirmation a priority in your spiritual life.

What will we do in the class?

We will have fun, play games, pray, read scripture, be paired with a mentor, use art & writing to express our journey, watch movies, eat together, share our faith stories, write a statement of faith, and many other things.

Will we read the whole Bible as a part of the class?


Will there be work outside of class time?

Yes, there will be “homework” for you to prepare between weeks. This will consist mostly of reading, artistic work, and minimal written work.

Will there be activities outside of the “regular” class schedule?

Yes, We will have a fall retreat at Camp Johnsonburg in October that is Friday-Sunday. We will also spend the night at St. John the Divine Cathedral in Manhattan as part of our Worship Experience, have a day-long winter retreat, and participate in an overnight group Matthew 25 Project in the spring.

Does it cost anything to be in Confirmation class?

Yes. This year we have put all of the costs into a blanket fee to be paid at the beginning of each semester. $160 (due in September) will cover the cost for the Student Book, Fall Retreat to Camp Johnsonburg, and Engraved Confirmation Bible. $180 (due in January) will cover the cost for the trip to St. John the Divine, Winter Retreat Day, and Spring Matthew 25 Project.

What happens when the classes end?

At the end of the class, the youth are asked to consider making a public profession of faith in Christ Jesus and join the church as an active member.

Do I have to join the church at the end of the class?

No. This is a personal decision that you make, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Not everyone who takes Confirmation joins the church, although the majority of people do choose to join.

What happens if I choose to join the church?

Confirmands are presented for an interview about their faith before the Session, just like adults who join the church. Then the Confirmands appear before the congregation during Sunday worship to publicly declare one’s faith in Christ Jesus and be presented as new members of the church.

When will the class be presented before the Session and congregation?

Usually the second Sunday in June.

What does it mean to make a public profession of faith in Christ Jesus?

As Presbyterians, we ask our members to make a public profession of faith by answering three basic questions of faith:

  1. Trusting in the gracious mercy of God, do you turn from the ways of sin and renounce evil and its power in the world?
  2. Do you turn to Jesus Christ and accept him as your Lord and Savior, trusting in his grace and love?
  3. Will you be Christ’s faithful disciple, obeying his Word and showing his love?

What does it mean to be a church member?

“To be a church member is to express one’s faith in Jesus Christ and the desire to be his disciple, to share his love, and to serve him as a part of the church as the body of Christ.” (Presbyterian Questions, Presbyterian Answers by Donald McKim) As Presbyterians, we ask our members to make a covenant with the congregation by answering this question:

Will you be a faithful member of this congregation, share in its worship and ministry through your prayers and gifts, your study and service, and so fulfill your calling to be a disciple of Jesus Christ?