Loving Generously: ep. 5 “One to Another”

Frank hangs the “1-2-A” on the guest house door as the final preparations are being made for the wedding. The news that Victoria is calling a meeting of the homeowner’s association grieves Frank and Cassie as they feel the loss of their longtime friends. Even their daughter experiences the cost of caring for Julia. What they don’t know is that Julia and Thomas attend Victoria’s meeting. They apologize for the trouble they have caused. They also testify to the Donovan’s generosity and ask them to be merciful. Following Frank and Cassie’s example, they invite the neighbors into their lives and to their wedding. Later, Julia gives Cassie a “1-2-A” bracelet and asks Frank to give her away. At the wedding, Victoria shows up threatening to call the police, but when the other neighbors choose to come to the wedding, she leaves

Later Re tells us that Jesus says that a seed that dies, bares much fruit. In the same way, true community forms around people who die to themselves. Frank and Cassie invite the poor to the banquet and then the poor invite the rich to their wedding. Their example illustrates that all are welcome to God’s table. The questions we are left with are, “What can you do right now to show love ‘one to anther’? How can you welcome those the world spurns? How can you die to yourself to love generously?”

Here also is the episode’s “teaching moment” with Re, the gardener.

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